Просмотр полной версии : Syndrome Tuzhilina

18.07.2004, 11:42
At what diseases, except for a chronic pancreatitis, occurrence of ruby droplets is observed? Localization - a skin of a breast, a stomach or belly, a back, arms or hand and legs or foots. Size of 0,5-1 mm; rate of occurrence - 2-3 pieces a week, do not disappear. To me of 28 years, in occasion of hron. A pancreatitis it was surveyed, the diagnosis has not proved to be true. Prompt what to do or make?

20.07.2004, 17:07
Vopos about a version of a hemorrhagic vasculitis it was not considered or examined;surveyed? It would be desirable to learn or find out about their flowering. Whether there Is to a pigmentation, an ecdysis and so forth

25.07.2004, 13:50
The question on a hemorrhagic vasculitis was considered or examined;surveyed (not potdverdilsja). Pigmentations, ecdysises does not remain, as these ruby points do not disappear, remain for ever. At their teenage age was on a body of pieces 5-6, now their quantity or amount grows huge rates, they literally on all body, among themselves do not merge. Are similar to fine, punctual or dot hemangiomas. I do not know, whether there is any communication or connection, but there was a thrombocytopenia (120 000). What to me to do or make?

26.07.2004, 09:46
Fine hemangiomas or telangiectasias?

28.07.2004, 13:39
Fine hemangiomas.

28.07.2004, 13:55
Whether Prisutsujut they on on wings of a nose and ear lobules of ears?

28.07.2004, 13:58
No, are not present.

28.07.2004, 14:08
At pressing they turn pale? And whether often bleed at the minimal mechanical influence.

28.07.2004, 14:12
Yes, at pressing they turn pale, but do not bleed

28.07.2004, 14:16
From that that occurs: much is similar to illness or disease Oslera - Randju - Vebera. It is necessary to be surveyed at a hematologist for definition of changes coagulative and trombotsitarnogo a hemostasis.

28.07.2004, 14:33
Address to the address of http: // haematology.narod.ru/place.htm, or [url] http: // www.gematologia.ru and ask the questions.

28.07.2004, 14:37
Thanks for the information.