Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon, help or assist please, I had a following problem: siln...

27.07.2004, 13:41
Good afternoon, help or assist please, I had a following problem: a strong heartburn from any nutrition, thus unpleasant gases and the abdominal distentions, unpleasant sensations in the field of a liver and in a stomach. Has made EGD and US of organs of a basin, rezuttat an excess of a cholic bubble and diskenezija ZHVP. The doctor has registered kreon and noshpu, week I drink helps or assists nothing.. Thus feeling of famine and augmentation in weight. What to me to do or make?

Magadov M.M.
28.07.2004, 11:00
lexy, to me here have advised to spend duodenal intubation, it it is nothing me, and this procedure is shown to you. The excess of a cholic bubble complicated by dyskinesia ZHVP, have led to that
The cholic bubble is overflown by bile, and again formed hepatic bile, not having an opportunity to act in a cholic bubble, is thrown out in a lumen of a duodenum, whence acts in a stomach and an intestine, causing all spectrum of malaises described by you.
After carrying out of procedure communicate with me.