Просмотр полной версии : Prompt, I am how much terrible is sick. The following has shown US: the Excess zhel...

21.07.2004, 17:10
Prompt, I am how much terrible is sick. The following has shown US: the Excess of a cholic bubble, inspissation and its or his thickening stenok. The sizes: on an empty stomach - 7, 32, 22, 9, the area 46, 5 kv. Sm; through 30 minutes after a breakfast - 6, 0 1, 6 2, 1, the area 20 kv. Sm; through 45 minutes - 5, 7 1, 4 1, 6, the area 13 kv. See Through 45 minutes the area has made 72 % from initial volume. Also uzi has shown change of a parenchyma podzheluzhochnoj glands of diffusive or diffuse character. The sizes of a pancreas: golovka-2, 1, a body 0, 9, hvost-3, 6. Ehogennost it is raised or increased, contours equal, virsunkov the duct is not expanded. To it or this at me signs are shown: a nausea, a giddiness. Please help or assist!

Magadov M.M.
24.07.2004, 05:55
Elena, hello!
" Terapevticheski the adjusted or set up people " speak, that will live but to live well, it is necessary to spend oporozhnenie a cholic bubble, t. e., to deduce or remove from its or his cavity dense congestive or stagnant bile. It is procedure of duodenal intubation.
And further - to watch and look after or keep up and look after it or him.
After carrying out of procedure address to me, I shall paint the further actions.

27.07.2004, 19:45
Thanks for the answer. Congestive or stagnant bile have pumped out. Special improvement of a status is not present, toshnit as before. Tell as to act further. Thanks.

27.07.2004, 22:15
Dear doctor Magatov of M.! The following has shown US: the Excess of a cholic bubble, inspissation and its or his thickening stenok. The sizes: on an empty stomach - 7, 32, 22, 9, the area 46, 5 kv. Sm; through 30 minutes after a breakfast - 6, 0 1, 6 2, 1, the area 20 kv. Sm; through 45 minutes - 5, 7 1, 4 1, 6, the area 13 kv. See Through 45 minutes the area has made 72 % from initial volume. Also uzi has shown change of a parenchyma podzheluzhochnoj glands of diffusive or diffuse character. The sizes of a pancreas: golovka-2, 1, a body 0, 9, hvost-3, 6. Ehogennost it is raised or increased, contours equal, virsunkov the duct is not expanded. To it or this at me signs are shown: a nagging pain, a nausea, a giddiness. It is spent doudenalnoe intubation in July, however the pain has remained. A propyl gepabene and djuspatalin. Any positive dynamics or changes. What to do or make?