Просмотр полной версии : At me chronic holitsestit. US has shown a strangulation more close to shejke ZHP. Odn...

22.07.2004, 03:17
At me chronic holitsestit. US has shown a strangulation more close to shejke ZHP. One doctors speak conservative treatment (cholagogue is necessary, etc. preparations), others - will be cured only with operation (excision ZHP). Though somebody can tell or say as me to be treated? Even if doctors have no common opinion as me to be?

Kim J.E.
23.07.2004, 03:11
It depends on that how much seriously you disturbs a cholic bubble (you have not written that clinically disturbs you: pains, the nausea, etc.) whether and in the second is broken or disturbed function of a cholic bubble in connection with presence of a strangulation