Просмотр полной версии : Hello. Has addressed to vrachu-to the therapist with pains in the field of top it is frequent...

21.07.2004, 04:33
Has addressed to vrachu-to the therapist with pains in the field of the top part of a stomach or belly (approximately days 14) and pains in the bottom part of a throat (already couple of months). After meal the feeling of overflow (inflation) of a stomach or belly, a pain is little bit stronger, despite of the moderate meal.
He has appointed or nominated the analysis of a blood from a vein (roofing felts hepatic, roofing felts gastric) and US of organs of the top part of a stomach or belly. Analyses have not revealed any diseases.
He has appointed or nominated following medicines:
1. No-shpa 1.-3 in day
2. Omez 1. - 1
3. Famotidine 1. - 3 times
4. Pancreatinum 1. - 2 times
5. Motilium 1. - 2 times
6. Gastrofit the Set of grasses.
Also has appointmented in 10 days. Whether I am assured or confident correctly treatment as was similar is appointed or nominated that he not can to define or determine a problem of pains precisely.
And in August being on vacation in Crimea I have poisoned probably and accepted to destination adviser Levomitsitin and more something from a possible or probable dysentery.
polegchalo in day 3 after reception of a national way vodka + the spoon salt.
Then in day 2 there was an eructation, podtashnivanie. In an out-patient department from my words have appointed or nominated tablets from a dysbacteriosis. Having arrived home I also have forgotten about this history.

What can you advise, how to me to act or arrive further?

Rasulov M.I.
21.07.2004, 08:44
And why you have not directed on a gastroscopy? Make nemedlenno-can you in vain spend medicines, time and money.