Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, your help is necessary. Has handed over analyses on a dysbacteriosis. Here results:..

11.07.2004, 17:33
The doctor, your help is necessary. Has handed over analyses on a dysbacteriosis. Here results: Bifidobakterii 10 in 9, bakteroidy-, Laktobatsilly 0, Sporous anaerobic clostridiums 10 in 5, laktozopozitivnye 25 on 10 in 7, laktodefektivnye 0, laktonegativnye 25 on 10 in 7, hemolyzing 5 on 10 in 7, microbes of a sort porej 0, microbes r. klebsiella 0, others UPE 0, a staphilococcus zolotist 0, stafilokokki/epidermal, saprofichesk. A heme + and gem-/0, Eneterokokki 10 on 10 in 7 also it is written faecalis, yeast-like mushrooms 0, a mould 0.
And my doctor has told or said: pejti yogurt, bifidok. But same it is not serious!! Help or assist, I wish to be healthy.
Yours faithfully, Xenia.

Doctor Andrey Valerevich
12.07.2004, 00:42
Dear Xenia, by these data bacteriological isledovanija a feces it is possible to speak about pathological shift laktoflory. In the rest of significant changes it is not visible. The microbiological diagnosis - a dysbacteriosis 1 item But to speak about disease only on the basis of these data it is impossible. It is important to have the information on activity of a digestive tube in particular, and other systems of an organism as a whole. At treatment it is important to pay attention not only to a microflora of an intestine, but also on a status of the intestine, immune system of an organism and so forth, t. e. On the conditions favorable formation of this or that structure of bacteria of an intestine.
The use of bioyogurts and bioyoghurts mainly is preventive, but not medical. You can address for the additional information on ph. 905 33 08 (evening).

12.07.2004, 21:06
In printsipe-it agree with Andrey Valerevichem. Only on the basis of your analysis - you will not recommend much. But, in any case - a preparation of a choice should be representatives laktoflory, instead of bifido... Specify your complaints, I shall paint the possible or probable program. Yours faithfully, Natalia Jurevna, vrach-a homeopathist, dietolog-nutritsiolog, altermir@74. ru