Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Help or assist to understand, please, with a problem. About 3 weeks...

11.07.2004, 13:39
Hello! Help or assist to understand, please, with a problem. About 3 weeks I observe at myself consensual gazootdelenie. Physically I feel nothing, I understand, that has occured or happened gazootdelenie from an intestine only on a smell. Sometimes I feel a clump of gases in an intestine, but during the moment when gas falls to the bottom part of an intestine, less often, again I feel nothing, gazootdelenie occurs or happens bezkonrolno. That is, I can not supervise process as I feel nothing. It occurs or happens in a sitting position. Tried to speak in this occasion with doctors, but he has told or said, that I am possible or probable it have thought up. And the problem will soon cause or call in me nervous failure. At the moment I fly or treat chronic pankreotit. The given disease at me is enough for a long time, especially did not disturb, but, approximately from the middle of summer, has become aggravated. I accept: Omez, Djuspatalin, Bifiform, Pankreoflat. Data koprogrammy: jododilnaja flora in a plenty, Amylum extracellular in a significant amount, Amylum intracellular in a plenty, the rest in norm or rate or in a small amount. Whether probably to undertake any additional inspection of an intestine? And in what the reason of my problem can consist? Thankful in advance for the answer.

Magadov M.M.
12.07.2004, 07:40
Maria, prvedite UZI-research of a liver, a cholic bubble and a pancreas.
Results place on page.

12.07.2004, 17:15
I have results of US:
The liver - at edge or territory, is not increased, contours equal, homogeneous without focal changes. The architecture pechen veins is not broken or disturbed
Cholic bubble - will bend in obl shejki r. 72* 13, walls izognuty, thickness up to 4, in a cavity dense bile, concrements are not present. A portal vein 10, Holedok 3, the Splenic vein 6.
Pancreas - 17, 10, 24, contours equal, with fine fibr-? Includings or incorporations, ehogennost it is peer to a liver.
Reactive changes of a tissue of a pancreas, indirect UZ-attributes DZHVP (on gipertanicheskomu tipu-?)
Biochemistry - 96 E/l amylases (norma-100)
I feel pains in district of a cholic bubble and a pancreas, before application of preparations there was the liquid chair now more less issued. I try to adhere to a diet.