Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I from time to time have problems with a defecation: a chair...

09.07.2004, 16:28
Hello! I from time to time have problems with a defecation: the chair happens time in two days. After tokogo a break the fecal mass is wrapped up in any clots of yellow slime. With what it can be connected? In advance thanks.

Doctor Andrey Valerevich
10.07.2004, 13:41
Hello Elena! Allocation of plentiful quantity or amount of slime with a feces is characteristic for a pathology of a colon. This attribute, for example, can be one of criteria of "irritable colon" about which presence, namely with prevalence of a constipation, it is possible to suspect forms of a syndrome on the basis of so scanty information. For acknowledgement or confirmation of the diagnosis i/or its or his corrections it is necessary to spend diagnostic procedure of survey of a mucosa of a colon (colonoscopy), and to give to the doctor additional data on current of your disease. Certainly, you should understand what to start "innocent" first attributes of a constipation up to more serious, paying attention on the status only at occurrence of more expressed attributes of disease, not absolutely correctly. " Neglect " pathologies in this case can be reflected not only in disturbance of activity of an intestine, but also all organs of digestion, including a liver and a pancreas. It is necessary to find among set of every day cares time and for itself. I think, that your health is important both for you and for your relatives. Behind the additional information including about treatment, it is possible to address on ph. 905 33 08 (evening).