Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the dear doctor. Very much I wish to make inspection zheludochno-...

03.07.2004, 17:16
Hello, the dear doctor.
Very much I wish to make inspection zheludochno-an intestinal tract. There are some problems. Advise, please, what from clinics to choose: 1) to it or him;them. Pirogova; 2) pokrovskaja hospital; 3) Orkli. Clinic " " has interested me in a greater degree, t. To. There offer wraparound diagnostics zheludochno-an intestinal tract, fibrogastroskopiju, fibrokolonoskopiju spend under a medicamental dream. What is this a dream and in what of its or his advantage? The doctor, can you will recommend other clinic. Thanks big. Success.

Rasulov M.I.
04.07.2004, 08:51
Clinics of medical institutes.