Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon, the doctor! You could not consult me. Business in that, cht...

30.06.2004, 17:43
Good afternoon, the doctor! You could not consult me. The matter is that I am am disturbed for a long time with regular pains in right and left predrebere, and also in the field of a belly-button. Has made according to the therapist of US of an abdominal cavity which has shown an excess in the field of a body and shejki a cholic bubble (8, 5* 2, 5* 2, 9; volume 30, 8 sm3; contents anehogennoe). Also periodically after meal (especially in the morning) there are desires to a chair and in a feces parts just the eaten and undigested nutrition are observed. I understand, that probably exact diagnosis on the basis of my words to give it would be not impossible, but you in what direction could prompt me to move in inspections. Thankful in advance for the answer.

03.07.2004, 18:30
At me a similar situation, I am flied or treated more year and all is useless. I suspect, that all has put just in an excess and pancreatic too hurts iz-for it or this. On own experience it was convinced, that enzymes are better for not drinking, upon termination of a course of a pain only will amplify. Is better cholagogue agents, the collecting 3, mineral water Essentuki help or assist. Do not eat fat and do not eat for the night and desires to a chair will be less often.
From inspections it is possible to hand over the analysis of a feces on kaprologiju. Here advise duodenal intubation, in my case it or he cannot be applied iz-for asthmas. Still I heard about US cholic with a load.