Просмотр полной версии : Hello. To mum have put diagnoz-a divertuculosis of a sigmoid intestine. That...

30.06.2004, 16:15
Hello. To mum have put diagnoz-a divertuculosis of a sigmoid intestine.
What is it such? And whether it is possible to treat?

30.06.2004, 21:53
divertikul-this such protrusion of a wall of a hollow organ on a circumscribed site, at elderly it neredkost by virtue of atrophic changes in a wall of an intestine and its or her delicacy, would be desirable a delivery that zapoorov not, differently there any fecal stones obrazovyvajutsja which can give inflammatory changes in a wall of an intestine, that sometimes demands both operations and any complications byvat.