Просмотр полной версии : Skazhiet how much compatibly sports delivery (protein milk or dairy...

28.06.2004, 22:01
Skazhiet how much compatibly sports delivery (protein milk or dairy kokteli) with L-karnetinom and how much or as far as it helps or assists to get rid of hypodermic Adeps
e-mail: figment@mailru. com

29.06.2004, 11:07
The sports albuminous delivery simultaneously with reception L-of a carnitine will be effective only under condition of enough intensive sports loads. In a usual life the organism synthesizes L-a carnitine from 2 h amino acids and at dostatochnolm kol-ve fiber in its or his nutrition quite enough. L-the carnitine interferes with loss of muscular mass both during trainings, and at active growing thin. However without loads he will work hardly, t. To. Superfluous energy from Adeps needs to be spent, instead of to hope "to burn", sitting on a sofa. to. L-the carnitine saves up fiber important to not exceed kol-in consumed some fiber (from 1 up to 2 g/kg of mass of a body day depending on intensity of a load and desirable results). The carnitine is not released or exempted from a possible or probable individual intolerance. Can promote intensifying of appetite that is especially dangerous at sports loads, t. To. It is possible imperceptibly to start to consume more calories, than it is necessary, counting upon that all the same all calories will be spent. The parity or ratio of accepted additives should be developed or produced a trial and error method - universal proportions it is not invented yet.