Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! Did or Made uzi, have told or said, that in a stomach or belly it is a lot of air. I e...

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04.05.2004, 19:32
Hello the doctor!
Did or Made uzi, have told or said, that in a stomach or belly it is a lot of air.
I feel it or him as komok in the field of a belly-button. This komok does not disappear, recently began swell strongly, almost all body. What is it?
What to do or make?
And more something from time to time moves in nutri an ear.
What is it can be?
What is it?

The anonym
08.05.2004, 03:37
It barabashka!

09.05.2004, 10:45
You, who have written, what is it barabashka:
1. Tuporylaja (yj) the coward or the coward as has not named the name.
2. At you will be shortly pohleshche, than at me that it was not ridiculous above others.
3. Concern to people how you want, that they concerned to you, tuporylyj (aja).

The anonym
11.05.2004, 11:20
Barabashek the psychiatrist expels!

Without imyonnyj the coward
15.05.2004, 04:11
Here also it is time to you there where you wish another.

16.05.2004, 04:54
What highest matters: - ((

18.05.2004, 20:33
About, in any way we have said a name, and that not the,
Well, though now it is clear, that the WOMAN communicated with me in the husband. Trousers, at which mind or wit on 12 years or summer children. Be not dishonoured by the BLUNT MIND or WIT, And THAT ALREADY you PUT - ((BECAUSE MIND or WIT ON GREATER DOES NOT SUFFICE.

19.05.2004, 21:03
Dear Nicole!
Has read through your correspondence with Svetlana.
You certainly have fine offended it or her, so do not act, especially doctors, therefore at it or her and reaction, to insults you. But it is interesting to me, how to the beginning or starting physician why you have solved, what is it barabashka? Very much the greater or big request to respond, or to send me the letter on mine adress 77a2@mail. ru
After your answer, I shall write, that I think in this occasion, personally to you. She writes, that komok does not disappear. In these words much that is told or said.

The anonym
21.05.2004, 04:27

24.05.2004, 10:16
Natalia from what you have suddenly made the conclusion on unique my phrase, what I has offended Svetalanu? Ridiculously, dear beginning the physician!:-))

For Nicole from Natalia.
26.05.2004, 07:48
And unless not you wrote, what is it barabashka, and have sent it or her to the psychiatrist? To the person who has addressed for the help to which it is bad.
And now write to me with malice. What you for the person? And at what here - What highest matters: - ((I personally wished to communicate to you, poprasila you to write to me, but you have not wanted.

29.05.2004, 21:34
Dear Natalia! I the normal person also have really inserted one edinstennuju a phrase because to me was ridiculous to read this delirium: - ((If you I interest, ask, I shall respond. In barabashek, sorry, I do not believe:-))

30.05.2004, 15:19
It is very simply checked and it is not necessary to abuse me for someone's greshki:-))

31.05.2004, 19:57
And know why so to badly Svetlana? You read through its or her dialogue with the anonym, can will understand, that to such person well and cannot be: - ((I Regret: - ((

Svetlana for Natalia.
03.06.2004, 10:06
Dear Natalia!
Thanks for support, it is possible to write to you on your address? And Dlja Nicole and the anonym I can tell or say only one In the bible it is told or said:
" Not mechite beads before pigs "
Therefore it is not necessary to communicate more with them they all peerly will not understand, from what it is bad also to that will be even worse. They posmejalis above my pain, and she it or him will return with storitsej, only after that they will understand, that create, when will experience it.
Instead of helping or assisting the person they posmejalis, shortly above them will be smejatsja.

07.06.2004, 05:56
Svetlana, I just was surprised to the anonym, and at you did not laugh. But if you so ask from the God, certainly and receive that wish. When to the person it is bad, he not agressiruet to address of others, and you offend the person probably believing in barabashek how you in the God: - ((

10.06.2004, 14:06
All is very simple, your internal aggression works against you most, Svetlana!:-))

Natalia for Svetlana.
14.06.2004, 02:20
Yes, Svetlana write, I shall wait, I for this purpose and have left it or him. I have a friend, very clever, kondidat biological sciences. She knows whence berutsja illnesses or diseases and as them to cure.
I have fine understood you, and I wish to help or assist you.
And even I know, in what a problem.
You are right, all everyone will understand also everyone in due time.
Pay attention, that Nicole has already changed.
If snachalo she has written a line from which it was impossible to understand, at whom she laughed, through so much she has explained to time above whom.
And that that she sees in you aggression, it speaks
About that agresija to be inside it or her.

14.06.2004, 05:33
Thanks Natalia. For Nicole, I really receive all from the GOD that I want, here HE has sent me Natalia, and to you Nicole smejatsja above people guilty.
Aggression is seen only by the aggressive person, here Natalia has not seen any aggression, and has offered the help. Would be, all such. And I did not have any aggression, you so read it and so perceive. You are on a portal where the help is necessary to people, instead of your laughter and who could understand, that you laughed not over me, and at the anonym, you and above Natalia posmejalis, (it is ridiculous, dear beginning the physician!:-)))
And you had what right to laugh at it or him? And more praise itself I the normal person, and act as not normal. Write, that to such person well and cannot be: - ((I Regret: - ((is a phrase, not regrets, and malice.
Instead of the help. Certainly, not pohvalish, who pohvalit. You have inserted one phrase, even one word the whole phrase can kill the person, and here.
It is better to offend the person that he has understood the mistake or error, and more so did not act, than to laugh at all with malice.

17.06.2004, 00:52
Ladies, I am not going to to be justified pred by so kind public, but your conjectures and will remain in nonexistence: - ((I such as am and did not vary... To me was terrible to listen to all anger which has fallen the anonym and it or him barabashek. For Svetlana I have a real help but if she so fine believes the God and receives from it or him everything, that asks, the God to her in the help means. " Do not judge, yes not sudima you will be " - one of precepts of the Christ, correctly? My opinion remains at me and I very much would like to believe, that agressiruja, you receive the help of heavens. I have left from that light to help or assist people but when you draw such what you are and this risunok-there is a reflection of yours vnrutrennego the world, sincerely you are sympathized. Recover, though you at first sight a simple problem remains with you, to you do not change the mirovozrenie: - ((

18.06.2004, 06:46
About malice. You have thought up it or him: - ((

21.06.2004, 12:58
Light, you have very badly studied or investigated the BIBLE. If so are devout, then have for the beginning studied or investigated the LAW DIVINE from cover to cover. You only also have remembered a question on pigs and bissere: - ((Successes to you:-))

Svetlana for Nicole
21.06.2004, 15:30
Dear Nicole! Thanks for advice or council, but you at all do not know, on how much I know the Bible,
That for bad habit to see a mote in other eye, and a log in the to not see. Jesus has told or said: " Farewell and yes to say goodbye or be excused to you " if you really know as to help or assist, you write Dlja Svetlanas at me there is a real help, and write, that send or have left from that light to help or assist
Why do not help or assist, write to me on 2004@aport. ru address and I shall look or see at yours mirovozrenie.

Natalia for Nikol.
24.06.2004, 02:35
Nicole if you really know as to help or assist Svetlana why you it or this to not make?
The request, write to me, I wish to communicate to you, Natalia.

Svetlana for Natalia.
26.06.2004, 09:56
Natalia, Thanks big for the help. At me almost, with the Divine help, all has passed or has taken place.
Excellent or Different tea, excellent or different advice or councils.