Просмотр полной версии : Here about 5 years I am am disturbed with a heartburn after meal regardless of the fact that...

Zaur, 31 year, Nalchik
18.06.2004, 21:58
Here about 5 years I am am disturbed with a heartburn after meal regardless of the fact that I have eaten, you could not recommend to me a preparation which for today is tested and most effective.

19.06.2004, 22:07
Hello, Zaur! Probably, your malaise is connected with presence in an organism helikobakternoj bacteria - then it is necessary to use 3 system of treatment. On the other hand, it can provoke refljuksnaja illness or disease, when proishoditt zabros a contained stomach above on an esophagus - in this case I advise poprinimat month a preparation of new generation "Pariet" (analogue "neksiuma") + for 30 minutes up to meal 1 tab. "Motiliuma". And vse-taki before it is better to check up flora of a stomach on presence Helikobakter pilory. Health to you, the well-wisher.