Просмотр полной версии : Respond, pozhalujtsa. How much waters can be used at low-calorie di...

09.06.2004, 08:31
Respond, pozhalujtsa. How much waters can be used at a low-calorie diet. Whether it is necessary to limit. Some doctors recommend to drink more (about 2 litres of water a day). Whether water will be late in an organism. In advance thanks.

Vasily - wasiliy@online.ru
10.06.2004, 05:56
Hello! The organism in day loses nearby 2 2, 5 litres of water (without taking into account physiology at sportsmen) with which it is necessary to fill up every day. So doctors are right.

10.06.2004, 14:08
At absence of contraindications from serdechno-vascular system and kidneys to drink a lot of liquid it is useful (1 1. 5 in day) other part of water is acquired by an organism from food stuffs.
At the moderate consumption of Sodium chloridum (salt) the delay of water in an organism will not be made.
It is important to notice however, that at intensive hydrocirculation can usilenno be washed away series of macrocells such as sodium, a potassium, a calcium. Therefore it is necessary to compensate their loss or nutrition them rich, or reception of polyvitaminic and mineral complexes.

10.06.2004, 21:25
Thanks for the answer. One more counter question. Sodium, a potassium and a calcium in what products contain?

12.06.2004, 10:41
The fish concerns to number of the products rich with sodium by Sodium chloridum, the brynza, sausages, bread, is shorter all salty on taste (optim. 6 7 in day).
Kalij-dried apricots, raisin, prunes, cocoa, a fish, a beef, apricots, veal.
Kaltsij-sour-milk products, in particular fat cottage cheese, yeast, a fish, calf, a parsley.