Просмотр полной версии : Hello. About one month back I have got in hospital on inspection, t. To....

05.06.2004, 00:11
Hello. About one month back I have got in hospital on inspection, t. To. Within several days I had nausea, a vomiting, delicacy, loss of appetite. To me have put chronic active gastroduodenit, duodeno-gastralnyj a reflux, diskiniziju 12 perstnoj intestines, diskiniziju a cholic bubble and reactive pankreotit. I drank motilium, venter, Cerucalum, mezim forte. And now I sometimes again have this nausea which, to tell the truth, prevents to live normally to me. I like also do not eat anything very fat or acute, the truth, strongly nerves were loosened recently. Prompt, please, I need to adhere to what diet, what I in general cannot eat? What to accept tablets during an exacerbation? And whether it is possible in general kogda-nibud to relieve % F

05.06.2004, 03:28
Whether also it is possible in general kogda-nibud to get rid of unpleasant signs? Thanks.

06.06.2004, 00:47
If it is necessary, to me of 19 years.

06.06.2004, 10:20
In due course it is possible to get rid certainly. But, as you understand, she to not be solved. It is necessary for something to undertake most.
If to it or this are ready, I can consider the problem on beginning job with you.
Write wasiliy@online. ru

07.06.2004, 06:49
From "nerves" that nibud accept?
To exclude smoking, coffee and strong tea, the chocolate, knitting fruit of type of a persimmon is necessary.
ZHarenuju nutrition of type of a potato fri. Not is in suhomjatku. To get rid it is possible from unpleasant sensations.
But that is in absentia difficult that to recommend.