Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I am a neurotic. - visible, at me just that SRK...

01.06.2004, 16:37
I am a neurotic. - visible, at me just that SRK. Would run to the doctor, but..... .zhivu not in Russia. Here such do not treat - to suffer or bear it is necessary, will pass or take place.
At me - constipations all a life. It was rescueed or saved;salvaged by bran. But there were gases - pains, constipations in general became intolerable. If chair not bylo-in an intestine sensation as if acute stones move.
What medicine will facilitate all this?
What to me is? I do not eat neither vegetables, nor fruit.

02.06.2004, 05:44
Dear Valentine! Your complaints are characteristic for inflammatory lesions of an intestine: a chronic colitis, a proctosigmoiditis, a functional megacolon of distal departments of an intestine, a dysbacteriosis, etc. be not engaged in self-diagnostics and a selftreatment. It can worsen only your status and lead to irreversible consequences. You should address to the doctor to the gastroenterologist and to pass or take place full complex inspection for specification of the diagnosis. Your status can facilitate reception Smekty (1 bag 2 times a day before improvement of a status), Espumizan (1 h 3 times a day) and lineks (on 1 kaps. During meal).

The candidate of medical sciences the doctor of the maximum or supreme category gastroenterologist Kuznetsov George Borisovich.