Просмотр полной версии : Hello, here some years I am am excruciated with constipations. Diagnoz-chronically...

24.05.2004, 22:37
Hello, here some years I am am excruciated with constipations. Diagnoz-the chronic gastritis, moderately expressed endocolitis. Result kolonoskopii-mucous the examined departments (up to the middle poperechno-a colonic intestine) it is moderate giperemirovana, a vascular drawing is traced, the tonus of an intestine is lowered. Whether can similar become the reason of constipations as constipations can be treated. Can it is necessary to spend still any inspections. The dysbacteriosis is not present, eating of prunes, a beet, dried apricots does not help or assist. Help or assist. Please

Rasulov M.I.
26.05.2004, 08:57
I am late for job. Excuse, I shall respond in the evening.