Просмотр полной версии : Hello! The advice or council which is thankful in advance for the answer is very necessary to me. If I not...

26.05.2004, 03:27
Hello! The advice or council which is thankful in advance for the answer is very necessary to me. If I have to the wrong address addressed, prompt then to kaokmu to the doctor to address. One month ago I have choked with a bone (began to choke after meal), to me did or made a gastroscopy and a picture (before it or this I have drunk barium) - nothing has been revealed, but after these procedures to me it became much better, but in 2 days I have choked again and again thus the dyspnea (I ate chips and kak-of that has unsuccessfully taken a sip on a sigh) began to excruciate me, the Feeling of a dyspnea last about 2 3 hours and I have addressed to loru, which alien or foreign subjects has not found out, only any inflammation of a throat (the diagnosis to me then was not put), but the doctor has appointed or nominated tarevit which I drank week. Constantly I was excruciated with dyspneas and a dyspnea or short wind, basically after meal. Having spent on drink tarevit I practically have not tested simplification and began to drink Ampicillinum as before he always operated or worked trouble-free, (in a throat in me were found out any gnojnechki, and the pharyngitis has been diagnosed). I constantly choked with nutrition, as was as though narrowing of a throat and an esophagus. And badly passed or took place both firm nutrition and a liquid. Having spent on drink Ampicillinum to me it became much better also all like would end, but in couple of days at me dyspneas again have begun, and they have not been connected any more with reception of nutrition (the dyspnea was expressed as compression of a throat, that is they vydoizmenilis, earlier it was a pulmonary dyspnea now it is simple a tightening of a throat). Addressed again to loru, appointed or nominated to me some more medicines for a pharyngitis, but they do not help or assist. So prodalzhaetsja a month, and last, gde-that about a week, to tightenings of a throat has still increased a pain in a breast bone (all simply lomit), and it is constant, only amplifying or it is a little releasing or letting off. I do not know where to run: To what doctor, because a pain strong enough. Today addressed to the gastroenterologist and she has advised to make a bronchoscopy. But it is "rigid enough" procedure and whether it would be desirable to know obosnovanno it. Whether prompt please there can be such that any fine alien or foreign body vse-taki zastralo in a trachea or in respiratory ways (for example that chipsa or still that because then I choked constantly). Whether It is necessary for me to make an endoscopy or not? And whether in general it is possible to do or make such researches at a strong pharyngitis?

Rasulov M.I.
26.05.2004, 08:32
Alien or Foreign bodies for a long time would prove absolutely
Other clinical symptomatology. Most likely, sledueet to exclude an esophagitis or a dyskinesia of an esophagus. The control X-ray analysis of an esophagus and esophagoscopy should be spent within the next few days. Ph. 248 5055.