Просмотр полной версии : Gastritis + a hemorrhoids. Tell or say, please, what complications can be? Mo...

24.05.2004, 22:47
Gastritis + a hemorrhoids. Tell or say, please, what complications can be?

My diagnosis:
- An incompetence of cardia
- refljuks-an esophagitis
- An atrophic gastritis
- A superficial duodenitis
- duodeno-gastralnyj refljus
- A dyskinesia 12 items of an intestine

To all to it or this at me a year two hemorrhoids with periodic exacerbations.

What complications can be? What will advise?
Pains are not present, an eructation and burlenie in a stomach. Whether will help or assist written out Motilium?

To me of 17 years.


Vasilenko V.V.
25.05.2004, 18:55
Complication can become a chronic inflammation of an esophagus. I advise to be observed at the doctor. Motilium can help or assist, regarding cases in a combination with omeprazolom. But as a whole it - only the beginning of treatment.