Просмотр полной версии : Whether there is an accustoming to reception of preparations of some Bifiform, Hilak, Lineks, e...

24.05.2004, 12:06
Whether there is an accustoming to reception of preparations of some Bifiform, Hilak, Lineks if to accept almost every day long time? Whether sohranaetsja ability of an organism "to grow up" own bacteria? Thanks.

25.05.2004, 09:50
Own bacteria in an organism are not present, all of them newcomers. Ksli you accept lineks longly its or his disputes or spores already for a long time peacefully live with a flora available you. Bifiform and hilak do not interfere with development
Normal flora, but other question, what for all this to do or make? Allow intestinal medium to exist easy. Hand over bakanaliz, let the doctor will look or see result and will solve finally.