Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor!! At us to the child 2, all this time we it or him treat 5 months...

The anonym
21.05.2004, 15:47
The dear doctor!! At us to the child 2, all this time we it or him treat 5 months from Klipsielly used such preporaty as (bifidumbakterin, laktobakterin, pro-bionicses, superhlorofil, lineks, planteks and teas gastric) to sozheleniju all it is necessary on former to make an effort the child and does not sleep iz-for a stomach or belly, at the child dosih pores constipations!!!

Egorov I.V.
24.05.2004, 15:40
It is desirable to consult in Institute Gabrichevskogo.