Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To me of 20 years. Gastrokopija has shown, that at me a gastritis, bulbit...

21.05.2004, 15:38
Hello! To me of 20 years. Gastrokopija has shown, that at me a gastritis, bulbit and erosion in the top department of an esophagus. But I am am disturbed with an intestine. Every day, is closer to night, disturb rezi, an inflation and an aerogenesis. That to me only did not write out, nothing helps or assists. And to eat I try correctly, all is useless. And when I wish to eat, I am am disturbed with a sucking pain and very loud rumbling. Such rumbling did not meet at anybody. And more computer diagnostics has shown, that I have a lambliasis. This rumbling can is connected with it or this? And I always wish to eat. Prompt, please, that to me to do or make with all it or this, especially with STRONG RUMBLING, IT very much CONFUSES me, AS In the SOCIETY IT or HIM ASSOCIATES HEAR ALL. Tell or say, please, can it is necessary to have a drink Unibaktor Santa Russia for an intestine, so widely advertised or promoted? In general Unibaktor Santa Russia it is effective, it is necessary to accept it or him? In advance I thank for the answer. I hope for you, that you to something will help or assist me.

Vitali, Estonia
22.05.2004, 14:47
U menja takaja zhe problema. Pomogite pozhaluista sovetom!

S uvazhenijem, Vitali

Kuzmina J.O.
23.05.2004, 08:46
It is not necessary to drink that vtjuhivaet advertising. It is necessary to drink that the doctor has registered.

24.05.2004, 03:18
How it is a computer has shown presence ljambly, and you did or made the normal analysis? It is necessary to treat all your illnesses or diseases of a stomach and an esophagus, the intestine most likely is secondary. The gastroscopy + omeprazol + De-nol + a diet + to check up on helikobakter and to treat at presence. Constantly to accept lungs uspokaivajushchie-Leonurus, Valeriana, a peony, nervohel, courses changing preparations each two months. From probiohabit spasms can accept laktobakterin, bifidumbakterin in vials or flasks. Hand over the analysis of a feces on a dysbacteriosis in scientific research institute to them. Gorbachevskogo (there is a site find on jandeksu) they will appoint or nominate bacteriophages, at indications.
At you a usual set of illnesses or diseases, do not despair, it gives in to treatment at due persistence and keeping of prescriptions of the doctor. All " new and the newest " preparations, including those which widely advertise or promote, more often useless additives, protect your money.