Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Whether the augmentation of a bilirubin (at me Syndrome ZHilbera) can...

Irina, 36 years.
04.05.2004, 07:45
The dear doctor!
Whether the augmentation of a bilirubin can (at me Syndrome ZHilbera) to provoke insignificant rise of a body temperature (37 37, 2)? Kogda-that to me diagnosed a thermoneurosis, but rise of temperature happens and on " an equal place "...
And more one question. I know, that syndrome ZHilbera is passed by right of succession. Whether has sense to survey my children on this bill? And if yes, as?

Rasulov M.I.
04.05.2004, 23:12
No, the temperature from syndrome ZHilbera does not raise or increase. Children I advise to survey.