Просмотр полной версии : Hello uv. The doctor! The fourth year at me a problem with a stomach: Ero...

02.05.2004, 03:54
Hello uv. The doctor! The fourth year at me a problem with a stomach: the Erosive gastritis, refljuks-an esophagitis, duodenit, a constant heartburn, a meteorism, Heliobakter pylori, HP + +.
The doctor appoints or nominates Trichopolum with oksatsilinom, famosan, de-nol, but it helps or assists not for a long time. Besides at me stones in a cholic bubble (2 stones - 1.5 and 1.7 sm), a pancreatitis. You will advise what treatment, in fact medicines which to me appoint or nominate are not effective? The doctor speaks that is necessary to remove a cholic bubble, that all problems from for it or him. At me an intrahepatic locating zhelch a bubble, whether it is possible to do or make laproskopicheskuju operation?

Hejrbejk A.A
02.05.2004, 11:45
Excision of a cholic bubble with the subsequent treatment of a gastritis and a duodenitis considerably to seize your status. E. mail: kheirbeik@mail. ru

Solomatov V.G. postmaster@dr-solomatov.ru
04.05.2004, 03:08
The dear Hope, excision of any organ liquidates an organ, instead of the reasons of its or his lesion. After operation of a similar sort stones start to be formed in a liver. Glance on www. dr-solomatov. ru there mechanisms of occurrence of stones are in detail described in. A bubble. Probably it will help or assist you better to orient in prospects of treatment. Yours faithfully Solomatov Century