Просмотр полной версии : After a gastroscopy the doctor has told or said to me, what at me (erosive-?) a gastritis, you...

02.05.2004, 08:53
After a gastroscopy the doctor has told or said to me, what at me (erosive-?) The gastritis caused or called helikobakterom also has appointed or nominated to me a course of an electrophoresis. I am in a bewilderment. Vo-the first, I do not understand, how is connected (erozivnyj-? - I am not assured or confident, that have understood the doctor correctly) a gastritis with helikobakterom as it is different gastritises by the nature. In vtoryh-in zheludke-that at me is not present pains. Those are present from the right party or side GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT (gde-that at district of a liver) and at the left (is closer to a kidney). And also pochemu-that hurts the bottom part of a back (as I understand, it is called a lumbar department of a backbone). In occasion of first two pains the doctor has explained, what is it an inflammation of lymph nodes and, accordingly, it is necessary to treat a basic disease - a gastritis. I have noticed, that pains in a backbone after an electrophoresis amplify. Very much I ask to explain to me, whether these pains are all in it would seem different parts of an organism interconnected and whether all of them can have such banal reason, how a gastritis? And more - whether you will advise me to continue to do or make an electrophoresis despite of intensifying hurt? Thanks!

03.05.2004, 06:59
About what doctor there is a speech? The therapist, the endoscopist? Or still what? Whether there was a biopsy mucous a stomach? Smears prints with bioptata? ureaznyj the test? What methods issledoanija were applied to diagnostics except for a gastroscopy? On the basis of only gastrokopii such deducing or removing to do or make it is impossible, as they has strongly pronounced crazy character, especially idea about an inflammation of lymph nodes at a gastritis.

03.05.2004, 12:36
Dear Scorceni! The Doctor was the gastroenterologist. m. n. By vizitke. Other methods of research, except for a gastroscopy and, naturally, palpations, it was not spent. Parameters of the general or common and biochemical analyses of a blood within the limits of norm or rate. Except for an electrophoresis are appointed or nominated ranitidin and omez. Whether you will advise me to insist on the methods of diagnostics specified by you? Thanks!