Просмотр полной версии : Dear Anna! I Address to you with such problem. To dog of 12 years - a poodle....

29.08.2004, 17:18
Dear Anna! I Address to you with such problem.
To dog of 12 years - a poodle. It has started to be written - does not keep
Urine. Has addressed to vet. To the doctor - at once without analyses has appointed or nominated 5 Nok. propoili-results any. Has addressed to other doctor - have made the analysis wet: he following: plotnost-1, 025, tsvet-yellow, prozrachnost-prozrachn., rn-5, 5, fiber 0, 1 0, 3/p, ur-gen-, bilirubin-, Nv-, eritrotsity-, lejkotsity-30, soli-, an epithelium pl - And, gljukoza-, ketony-, By results of the analysis have put diagnoz-a cystitis and have appointed or nominated a trace. lechenie-nolitsin 1/2 tabl-2 times a day - 7 days, Healthy kidneys - 1 tabl - 3 r. In day - 20 days. Weight of a dog - 10 kg.
Any other inspection have not appointed or nominated.
Also at a dog any tumescence in the field of a thorax - I feel what is it something bad, at it or him often a dyspnea or short wind - the doctor poslushal-has told or said that heart normalnoe-and has put diagnoz-an inflammation thoracal kletki-what inflammation?
Has appointed or nominated a heap ukolov-already have pierced. Both breathed hardly from time to time and breathes.
I have asked - can be make US or rengent. Has told or said that nothing is necessary. Here such situatsija-where to address not znaju-than to help or assist and what to do or make. I live in small city. Not vet. vrachej-oncologists., anastazilogov. Anna! At me such questions: by results of the analysis mochi-it really cystitis? What will you advise still any inspection or treatment another? In the attitude or relation of a tumour on a breast - what to do or make?
There are no experts narrow) Such hopelessness.
It is very grateful for the answer.

Dubova A.V.
30.08.2004, 02:01
Hello. Under the analysis of urine really there are attributes of an inflammation. I have correctly understood, what a dog - a dog? At elderly dogs the reason of inflammatory diseases of the bottom department mochevyvodjashchej systems often is the pathology of a prostate. It or he does not have predilection to constipations (or on the contrary frequent desires on a defecation with allocation of a small amount of a feces)? Did not notice, what it is difficult to him to write, (urine flows a thin trickle or even drips, a dog pisaet it is long)? A prostate check a palpation through a rectum (if the sizes of a dog it allow) or do or make US. I would advise to act or arrive so: if the appointed or nominated treatment does not bring result, it is necessary to investigate or research a prostate. And further - depending on result. If the augmentation or oluhol a prostate it is necessary comes to light or is taped as it is necessary to think of castration and to apply antibotik Ciprofloxacin. Concerning education on a breast, in absentia I cannot diagnose certainly. If it is similar to a tumour the biopsy is necessary, with the purpose to define or determine - good-quality she or malignant and that it is possible to undertake. The most effective method of treatment of tumours - surgical. Therapeutic methods or external agents efektivnyh yet have not thought up. A dyspnea or short wind - more often a sign of disease of heart. To heart listen, do or make a picture of lungs (such picture also is necessary if on a breast nevertheless a tumour). And there is, that a dyspnea or short wind - consequence or investigation of other diseases, for example, if the dog tests pains in an abdominal cavity too there can be a dyspnea or short wind. Only on the basis of researches it is possible to put the exact diagnosis. And knowing the diagnosis to treat. Where do you live? Suddenly I will manage to advise the doctor, let not the narrow expert, but competent.

01.09.2004, 15:07
In occasion of a dyspnea or short wind. Opinion not the expert. At me foksiha 13 lte. Too was like a dyspnea or short wind. And all the matter is that to her was hot. When have made trimming (up to a goal, including legs or foots that is not necessary) dyspneas did not become, the wool anywhere does not pull, runs, and as the old woman hardly legs or foots rearranged that. The same problem can also you. In occasion of a cystitis. To us have advised Biseptolum 480. chetvertushka (ours too 10 kg) 3 times a day. And to put a warm bottle with water between paws. And to take while watch TV. But at ours too tumours on a belly, and them to heat it is impossible.