Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To my poodle 12 years. Almost never hurted, but in the past...

27.08.2004, 16:47
Hello! To my poodle 12 years. Almost never hurted, but in the past to year there was a renal inflammation, pricked nosh-pu, Baralginum, gave karsil and Riboxinum. Now at it or him the same signs and to call a doctor there is no opportunity. Whether it is possible to spend the same procedures without the reference of the doctor, even to give nosh-pu in tablets, to remove or take off a pain???
In advance thanks!

Dubova A.V.
28.08.2004, 02:17
Hello. Looking what procedures and what signs. The medicines of direct action listed by you on kidneys do not render also them difficultly to connect with any disease of kidneys. If consider or count, that there is a painful syndrome, no-shpu to give it is possible. Better, would be, if you have described, that a dog disturbs.