Просмотр полной версии : To my dog, the German shepherd, 13, 5 years. The last some months of the beginnings...

Ivanov Svetlana
21.08.2004, 05:33
To my dog, the German shepherd, 13, 5 years. The last some months have begun problems with hinder legs - is filled up at vstavanii. This disease or an attribute of an old age? How it is possible to improve its or his status? Thanks.

22.08.2004, 15:27
At sheep-dogs it happens, it is type of an insult, and can, costs of the extended backbone - as at all sheep-dogs therefore they longly do not live: (At me so was with my sheep-dog and much earlier, in 9 years... If is money, carry internally to doctors, and vobshchem though and it is awfully a pity to me, for the sheep-dog this age - extreme old age... Forgive or excuse...

Dubova A.V.
23.08.2004, 22:56
Hello. At sheep-dogs such status happens as a result of disease of hip joints and as a result diseases of a backbone. In absentia to find out the reason it is impossible. At least survey and neurologic research (check of reflexes) is necessary. Can be necessary and additional researches, especially, if after survey it will be found out, that disturbance of function of back extremities is a result of the general or common delicacy and if there are still any signs. The opportunity to help or assist a dog depends on the diagnosis.