Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Whether tell or say please it is necessary for kittens to do or make any profil...

17.08.2004, 05:19
Hello! Whether whether tell or say please it is necessary for kittens to do or make any preventive inoculations and the truth that after each trip kotika on a summer residence he needs to be given helminthicides.
In advance thanks.

Alekseeva S.B.
17.08.2004, 16:37
After each trip on a summer residence to give preparations from worms it is impossible is far not harmless tablets. Usually it is recommended to spend deworming twice - in the spring and in the autumn. To warn infection with a tenial helminth dipilidiumom cats should wear collars from fleas. As to inoculations - they need to be made from basic diseases (kaltsiviroza, a rhinotracheitis, leptospirova, a rabies) and from dermatomycoses (" shearing depriving ")