Просмотр полной версии : 4 days ago have bought or purchased (in the market) the Persian kitten, to him 1 month and 1 week....

The novel
08.08.2004, 17:59
4 days ago have bought or purchased (in the market) the Persian kitten, to him 1 month and 1 week. Eats very little and sleeps much. Yesterday it or him some times toshnilo. The veterinarian who has come yesterday, has examined a kitten, has advised to give him broth of a camomile, or Calendulae while to feed with milk, and also to pierce to him the preparations raising or increasing immunity. Also has told or said, that temperature normal, virus diseases are not present. Today a kitten again toshnilo, he - former badly eats also itself any flaccid. What with it or him can be?

09.08.2004, 17:47
Vo-the first, stress. The kitten will sleep still couple of days much, it is normal.
Vo-the second, transition to other nutrition, he can refuses meal, can toshnit. Plus of fever.
If you trust the veterinarian who examined it or him and has not found anything suspicious - gradually translate to dry forage Royal Canin Kitten (34) and feed only with it or him till 1 year. Then you should not prick immunopovyshajushchie preperaty and poit a cat a camomile.
Also it is necessary for you to follow a policy of inoculations: polyvalent (in 2 3 months) and from a rabies (6 7 months) If you have bought or purchased a cat in the market, nobody was engaged in this question. Besides "rabies" takes root or is inoculated not earlier, than in half a year.

10.08.2004, 16:06
The novel, hello! A problem what even so early do not take away not purebred kittens, and for persienka it simply trouble. The Persian in an ideal to take away from mother in 4 months. But you understand, it is business and you should rescue or save;salvage a kitten. With one milk to feed there is not enough, the dry forage for such krohi too does not approach or suit, though on itself and is written from 1 month. Buy or purchase canned food for kittens HILLS. This best. To feed it or him it is necessary, everyone dva-three hours, on chut-hardly, including night. Many factory owners feed tihoretskim with the children's delivery, diluted boiled vodichkoj. Success to you and yours krohe.

12.08.2004, 03:17
All aforesaid I join, plus: you examined a kitten for presence of fleas? Sometimes (especially at kids) it is an original cause. And well to consult at the doctor about glistogonenija.