Просмотр полной версии : At me was sobaka-doginja 9.5 years. There was a fracture of a back right paw, impose...

30.07.2004, 16:16
At me was sobaka-doginja 9.5 years. There was a fracture of a back right paw, have imposed a gypsum, a bone sroslas, but on a paw there was a tumour (approximately month three) the dog limped. Having made a roentgen have found out
Sarcoma of a bone. And the doctor has told or said what to make anything it is impossible, though I even was not against ablation of a paw if only Dzheri it was alive, but the doctor has told or said what to make anything it is impossible. And when at it or her strong pains we have begun have lulled it or her. We are excruciated till now with a question, there can be all taki something it is possible was to make? Or how that to prevent this disease?

Alekseeva S.B.
31.07.2004, 09:12
Unfortunately, yet up to the extremity or end the reasons of occurrence of this disease are clear. There are methods of its or his treatment in clinic d-ra Mitin at Onkotsentre, but their efficiency, also as well as in medicine, is low. The only thing that it is necessary - to specify the diagnosis by means of a biopsy, parameters of a blood and t. Item, t. To. In my practice there were cases when for a sarcoma accepted the hypertrophied osteal callositas with growing into it or him regional sosudisto-a nervous fascicle.