Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Prompt what to do or make, please. My dog the boxer (10 years...

20.07.2004, 07:14
Hello! Prompt what to do or make, please. My dog the boxer (10 years) oshchenilas (so happens). After oshchena very much itself badly feels - lays, refuses meal, on street does not go, drinks much, the veterinarian has told or said, that she can be lost. Whether there is any agent which will help or assist her.

Kajdanovskij M.A.
21.07.2004, 23:28
How much has passed or has taken place days after sorts or labors? (well also has managed you.) at suki at such age after sorts or labors very possibly development of a purulent endometritis, and, by signs, it he also is. For a miracle to hope it is not necessary, visit an animal in clinic and, if the diagnosis podverditsja it is necessary to operate immediately.