Просмотр полной версии : At me toj-the terrier, the boy 2 years. He it is constant lizhit back. Doctors speak...

13.07.2004, 10:49
At me toj-the terrier, the boy 2 years. He it is constant lizhit back. Doctors speak, that with a proctal or an anal gland all is normal. Whether there can be it simply bad habit?

Nikiforova Z.N.
14.07.2004, 15:12
Hello, whether for a long time you gave a dog preparations from worms (Drontal, Azinoks)? T.K.Prichinoj razlizyvanija a fundament can be worms.

17.07.2004, 01:35
Thanks that have not disregarded my question. You ask about worms, we give a dog Drontal two times a year.