Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At us cat Kuzja was ill. More precisely ears have started to hurt or be ill;be sick it or him so...

13.07.2004, 19:20
At us cat Kuzja was ill. More precisely ears have started to hurt or be ill;be sick it or him so strongly, what even at stirring a head he shouted from a pain. Next day from ears poteklo. That that flew was brown color. The cat practically did not move and absolutely nothing ate. From the house. First-aid sets have near at hand appeared only drops sofradeks and I have used them. After two applications from ears a leak has ceased also a pain has passed or has taken place, but a cat has started to tear foam of time three in day. So was two days. Now to him it is better. Today he has eaten the first time. But it seems to me in ears at it or him ticks or mites sit. Prompt, please, whenever possible, whether so it and as from them to get rid. I address to you t. To. In our village doctors only on cows. To a cat soon year. Help or assist, please.

Alekseeva S.B.
14.07.2004, 00:01
Prir otodektoze (kleshchevom an otitis) dense adjournment in auricles are usually marked or celebrated dark, with a pungent smell. The analysis can be put under a microscope even on a farm. For treatment are used protivokleshchevye losony, dekta, amitraz and t. Item At treatment special attention give cleanliness of ears (before zakapyvaniem any of preparations ears are carefully cleaned wadded patochkoj, moistened by boric alcohol or peroxide of Hydrogenium, are dried, and the preparation only is then put or rendered). At an otitis it is very important to pass to sparing ration (white fowl, sour-milk products, rice), are necessarily given antihistamines (Suprastinum, klaritin). Can help or assist and homeopathic treatment, but only after survey of a cat by the doctor.