Просмотр полной версии : Cat 6 months.. .3 days diarrhea a vomiting. Does not eat pyot very little. Temperature 38...

22.06.2004, 02:25
Cat 6 months.. .3 days diarrhea a vomiting. Does not eat pyot very little. Temperature 38.7. Today descended or went big in a toilet a thread long. I poprobyvala to pull nevyhodit... .pomogite please what to do or make in such sluchijah.

25.06.2004, 02:26
To carry to the veterinarian. At it or her that, the thread from an intestine is put out, or it something similar to a thread? In any case, not tjanie for it or her. If it gglist, he and itself will leave, and if the present or true thread you will cut to a cat an intestine. Similar, what is it vse-taki the present or true thread. Carry to the doctor, operation is required. To wait nelsja as the alien or foreign body pleated an intestine will cause or call perforation of an intestine and infection of a blood.

The anonym
26.06.2004, 04:16
Thread of 100 % already santimtrov 15... .k to the veterinarian very dearly or expensively I live in kanade. How much it is possible can wait will leave itself...

28.06.2004, 10:08
NO!!! Let it is dear or expensive, it is a question of a life and mors!
Can, there not one thread! Can, in general with a needle! At a cat the temperature, means, already there are internal damages! 6 months - at this age they swallow of everything, that will find! Olga, on the one hand money, with another - a life! Do not pull!

The anonym
29.06.2004, 21:47
With a needle tochno cannot be.... At me at present simply is not present 1400 on operation

The anonym
03.07.2004, 21:01
38.0 temperature

04.07.2004, 18:48
1400? Whence such digit? Same not the person! Call to any local veterinarian and ask advice or council on a situation, he to you will tell or say and about the price. Besides the local society of protection of animals can help or assist

The anonym
06.07.2004, 00:04
To the doctor I already went for survey rengen and more that that 400... .takie here the prices... For operation from 800 1000.

07.07.2004, 10:10
And, that it, probably, canadian dollars, therefore so is a lot of. But not in it or this business. Urgently search and call in a local society of protection of animals, there there should be any doctor. As a last resort will tell or say it or him, what is it a homeless cat, let help or assist. One I can tell or say - time to lose it is impossible, a situation dangerous, and in case of the worst outcome mors budet excruciating.

Dubova A.V.
09.07.2004, 03:12
Hello. The situation very dangerous and certainly the most important reference - to search for a way to help or assist a cat in conditions of clinic! It is complex or difficult to me to present, how much or as far as a situation desperate as never lived in Canada. If sovsem-absolutely there is no opportunity to address in clinic that it is possible TO TRY to make - to give or allow a liquid paraffin (2 3 ml on 1 kg of mass of a body) and to hope for a happy case - that butter or oil will help or assist a thread to leave. Only for God's sake - only the LIQUID PARAFFIN, and what another. Otherwise my reference becomes for a cat the present or true nightmare. If there is no liquid paraffin, is better nothing in general do or make. A thread do not pull. Actually, on a liquid paraffin hope very small. If you saw in what the intestine strung on a thread which has got in it or him turns, to you it would become clear, even as not to the expert. But nevertheless it is better, than anything. Really, address in any society of protection of animals. There should be any output or exit. In addition droppers as he is dehydrated and subject to an intoxication are necessary to a kitten, antibiotics are necessary.