Просмотр полной версии : Udivitel ` naja istorija v tom chto u nego netu onka net infekcii, net krovo...

02.07.2004, 00:10
Udivitel ` naja istorija v tom chto u nego netu onka net infekcii, net krovotechenija... .Mozhet tabletki Novolexin u nego ponizili immunuju sistemu? No ja eshe raz povtoriaju... .chto doktora ne znajut chto eto takoe. To li eto immunaja sistema to li eto onemija. Esli eto imunnaja sistema narushena, to mozhno li ee kak to podniat `?

Dubova A.V.
02.07.2004, 06:42
Business hardly in Novaleksine. While there are no analyses, I tend to that at it or him a renal failure, and from here and an anemia. Speaking about imunnoj to system, doctors most likely meant one of autoimunnyh diseases. At such diseases just happen both dermal problems, and renal. But then the preparations overwhelming imunnyj the answer are necessary on the contrary. With this purpose most likely also it is appointed or nominated prednizol. I consider or count, that all under the control. It is necessary to wait for results of analyses.