Просмотр полной версии : At a cat on a cheek has broken through an abscess and now ranka does not heal the fistula was formed and...

27.06.2004, 07:11
At a cat on a cheek has broken through an abscess and now ranka does not heal the fistula was formed and the liquid is constantly typed or collected what to do or make, than to smear, that he would begin to live

28.06.2004, 08:35
The fistulous course is formed at existence of the inflammatory center in glubzheraspolozhennyh tissues. While there is a center of an inflammation, there will be also a fistula. Local processings can bring only time or temporary improvement. It is necessary to find out, where conducts a fistulous course and to struggle with a principal cause. Try to glance to him in a mouth and to examine mucous. It can be a sick tooth, or an alien or a foreign subject, for example, in a gum or gingiva, there are also more "unpleasant" reasons. At the started inflammation of acoustical passage there are fistulous courses, not on a cheek, and under an ear, is closer to a neck. As a rule, the problem should be solved surgically, therefore to address in veterinary clinic is better.