Просмотр полной версии : I understand, that a question complex or difficult, but nevertheless help or assist than can. To a dog 1...

20.06.2004, 16:16
I understand, that a question complex or difficult, but nevertheless help or assist than can. To a dog of 16 years. I do not know as this illness or disease is called, but the veterinarian has told or said, what is it iz-that the dog for a long time did not give birth or travail (years 8 10 - precisely I do not remember). Signs the following - at a dog strongly opuhl and sometimes are bleeded with its or her female organ, an emiction frequent, sometimes with a blood. When we try it or her though chut-hardly to wash away warm water - whines and yelps, but in the rest "does not complain". Began to go less - basically lays on the place. Appetite normal. Vetirinar has advised to lull as operation very dearly or expensively costs or stands, and she will not go through a narcosis. Whether is what nibud national prescriptions? Thankful in advance for the answer.

Nikiforova Z.N.
21.06.2004, 16:25
At a dog most likely a pyometra. In this case national prescriptions does not exist, operation and the more likely is necessary, the it is more than chances to a dog to survive. If you live in Moscow choose good clinic, it will be a guarantee of that the dog will sustain a narcosis. I wish your of good luck!