Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! Leather 9 Almost three years after meal through 15 20. Begins...

18.06.2004, 09:46
Good afternoon! Leather 9 Almost three years after meal through 15 20. Starts to howl, mechetsja and zakanchivaesja a unitary vomiting nutrition, katoruju eats again. Now I feed it or him three times a day, the vomiting became less often. At it or him constant feeling of famine, in the street all selects, but if I shall increase a portion that it causes a vomiting. On a roentgen augmentation grudnj aortas and an inflation of an intestine. Prompt, whether it is possible to consult a situation.

Nikiforova Z.N.
19.06.2004, 06:39
Hello, to give the forecast, it is necessary to have more clinical data about your dog plus additional researches (roentgenography with contrast, an endoscopy, an electrocardiogram, etc.), than you have described here. Try to pass or take place full inspection in vetklinike.