Просмотр полной версии : Hello! My kitten (6 months) is excruciated with fits of coughing. About 1 time...

30.05.2004, 15:25
Hello! My kitten (6 months) is excruciated with fits of coughing. About 1 time at 2 o'clock he lays down a stomach or belly on a floor, rastopyrivaet paws, seizes claws a carpet and starts to be shaken excruciatingly. First I thought, what is it he has choked and tries to clear the throat with the fish ossicle or bonelet (very similar!), but the veterinarian has told or said, what is it all signs of a virus infection. Really, the kitten had heat, a rhinitis; he received corresponding or meeting treatment (nyxes of Bicillinum, Analginum with Dimedrolum, droppers with a glucose and Riboxinum, etc.). Now the status was normalized, the veterinarian has told or said, that lungs at it or him pure or clean. But tussis becomes more and more excruciating. Can, it not tussis, and any gastric spastic strictures? Advise, please, as to him to help or assist!

Dubova A.V.
03.06.2004, 12:39
Hello. The tussis similar to a vomiting happens result of migration of larvas of helminths in lungs. If did not spend deworming, it is necessary to make it. 3 times with an interval of 10 days a preparation for cats Drontal. But certainly, it is better to consult once again at not virtual doctor.