Просмотр полной версии : To my cat of 16 years, from time to time he suffers that that cannot descend or go in...

21.05.2004, 07:03
To my cat of 16 years, from time to time he suffers that that cannot descend or go in a toilet, called a doctor, the doctor has told or said what is it gemoroj, shishku it is already visible.., the cat suffers, the doctor has told or said that operation to do or make late, kotik old, and the medicamental way any has not told or said.., what to do or make..???????

Konovalov, the veterinary doctor
22.05.2004, 16:52
Gemorroj-not too frequent diagnosis. Probably it is a question of an inflammation of perianal sine. In this case the overflown sine empty, sometimes resort to their sanation by means of a thin catheter and antimicrobic solutions. It is not excluded, that speech can as to go and about a neoplasm. Can be eat sense to address in other clinic? For simplification of a defecation it is possible to use a liquid paraffin (on 5 ml 2 3 times a day). But the obstacle is necessary kak-to eliminate or erase;remove that, neiskljucheno, that it can increase or be enlarged.