Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Prompt how to struggle, please, with kleshchem psoric in ush...

05.05.2004, 13:32
Hello! Prompt how to struggle, please, with kleshchem psoric in ears of a cat? Thanks!

Nikiforova Z.N.
06.05.2004, 18:03
Hello, external acoustical passage it is necessary oshchishchat from korok and pus by means of a forceps on which wind the cotton moistened by a solution furatsillina, Acidum boricum. 1 2 times a day are necessary to spend clearing of acoustical passage. After similar processing it is necessary, that acoustical passage was not "wet", and was dry and pure or clean. After that start application of other medical products possessing akaritsidnymi (protivokleshchevymi) and antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory properties (otokan, ointment Vilkinsona, Konkovo, akarabor and t.). At strong puffiness and a microbial inflammation of an ear spend novocainic blockade with use of antibiotics (these manipulations should spend vetvrach). At use of antibiotics it is necessary to consider sensitivity of an antibiotic to a microflora and its or his side effects (ototoksichnost). I wish the prompt convalescence your cat.