Просмотр полной версии : Gonorrhea

25.03.2006, 17:46
Hello! To me 19 years (guy) .u me have found out a gonorrhea (2 months-chronic). The doctor has appointed or nominated in the first day 2 nyxes sol. ynacef 750, Atrikan on 1 tab. 2 of time in day 4 days, on sledushchy day Essentseale on 2 tab. 3 of time in day of 2 weeks. Also koljat sol.gonovacina in a day with 0,5+0,25 up to 2,0, sol.papaverin 2 % 1,0 ml every day (10 days) and aloe on 2,0 ml in in a day (10 days). Then after the termination or ending of reception Essentseale I should :1) in 2 days Doksitsikli in the first day in the morning 2 kap in the evening 1, and then on 1 kap utorm and evening of 7 days; 2) in 8 days 1 tab. of the Fluconazole.
Whether vylechjus I after that course? I a week was treated and ahead 2 more. Now at me sometimes pricks a liver and heart. After nyxes of the Gonovaccine (have made only 2 times) at me was temperaturav first time small, and in the second 38.1 (shaked particularly), moreover and hardly I go from these nyxes (breeches very much hurt).
Whether correctly to me have appointed or nominated treatment? What consequences wait for me after it or him? How to stimulate with products (can with what medikomentami) a liver and an intestine (organism)?
In advance thanks huge for the answer!

dr. Agapov
26.03.2006, 00:03
Hello! To Me 19 years (guy) .u me have found out a gonorrhea (2 months-chronic). The doctor has appointed or nominated in the first day 2 nyxes sol. ynacef 750, Atrikan on 1 tab. 2 of time in day 4 days, on sledushchy day Essentseale on 2 tab. 3 of time in day of 2 weeks. Also koljat sol.gonovacina in a day with 0,5+0,25 up to 2,0, sol.papaverin 2 % 1,0 ml every day (10 days) and aloe on 2,0 ml in in a day (10 days). Then after the termination or ending of reception Essentseale I should :1) in 2 days Doksitsikli in the first day in the morning 2 kap in the evening 1, and then on 1 kap utorm and evening of 7 days; 2) in 8 days 1 tab. of the Fluconazole.
Whether vylechjus I after that course? I a week was treated and ahead 2 more. Now at me sometimes pricks a liver and heart. After nyxes of the Gonovaccine (have made only 2 times) at me was temperaturav first time small, and in the second 38.1 (shaked particularly), moreover and hardly I go from these nyxes (breeches very much hurt).
Whether correctly to me have appointed or nominated treatment? What consequences wait for me after it or him? How to stimulate with products (can with what medikomentami) a liver and an intestine (organism)?
In advance thanks huge for the answer!

About the diagnosis - now a gonococcal infection do not divide on acute and chronic. Distinguish the complicated and uncomplicated form of disease.
About : the form is treated by unitary intramuscular introduction of the antibiotic, complicated - intramuscular or intravenous introduction of an antibiotic in current of 7 days.
The gonovaccine now in world or global medicine for treatment of a gonococcal infection is not applied (as however and with a view of provocation).