Просмотр полной версии : sif

The anonym
07.03.2006, 12:24
About 8 years ago I have had been ill with a lues. After that, many times handed over the analysis on it or him and always there was a result negative. With the new husband I live one and a half year. As soon as have met have handed over both all analyses - all at us normally. Each other we do not change. And here now we wish to get or start the child. Have solved again completely it will be checked up. A blood on a lues handed over method IFA. At the husband it's OK, and at me lgG (RPGA) - doubtful, and lg M - negative. In other place again doubtful. Has handed over in KVD on a lues - negatively. The husband I do not want, that knew, that I was ill a lues. I can not understand why so much years were never any doubtful result, and has now come up. I am afraid, whether it is possible for me to become pregnant, that there was no threat to the kid. And why such different parameters in establishments, and before them was not. Comment please, very much we want the child. Thanks.

dr. Agapov
07.03.2006, 19:39
about 8 Years ago I have had been ill with a lues. After that, many times handed over the analysis on it or him and always there was a result negative. With the new husband I live one and a half year. As soon as have met have handed over both all analyses - all at us normally. Each other we do not change. And here now we wish to get or start the child. Have solved again completely it will be checked up. A blood on a lues handed over method IFA. At the husband it's OK, and at me lgG (RPGA) - doubtful, and lg M - negative. In other place again doubtful. Has handed over in KVD on a lues - negatively. The husband I do not want, that knew, that I was ill a lues. I can not understand why so much years were never any doubtful result, and has now come up. I am afraid, whether it is possible for me to become pregnant, that there was no threat to the kid. And why such different parameters in establishments, and before them was not. Comment please, very much we want the child. Thanks.

After a becoming infected with what or the infectious agent (including an acyanotic spirochete - the originator of a lues) the organism responds to it an antibodyformation - development or manufacture of immunoglobulins of various classes in the beginning M of m And further G for struggle against an infection. At disappearance or eradication of the infectious agent vsledstvii treatments or decreases of its or his quantity or amount - early antibodies of M and And disappear, and remain G. can will be defined or determined by precision researches long enough time, and sometimes and all a life - as the organism can "decide" to support or maintain their quantity or amount on a case if suddenly the organism will repeatedly collide or face with an infection to not waste time on process of an antibodyformation.
T.e presence of immunoglobulins G - quite normal reaction for an organism which had contact to that or other infektsionnnym the agent. Therefore these tests for the control izlechennosti are not used or put in dynamics or changes - in i.e. through time intervals with definition of quantity or amount of antibodies.
For the control izlechennosti a lues - are used netreponemnye tests - i.e. reaction of a microprecipitation.
If she negative in current of the long period of time nabljudenija-is considered a lues cured.
To possibly you earlier spent netreponemny tests - RV and MR.
If during pregnancy will be positive netreponemnye tests - then during pregnancy it is necessary to pass or take place preventive treatment.

The anonym
07.03.2006, 19:50
After the transferred or carried lues positive RPGA is normally.

dr. Agapov
07.03.2006, 20:00
After the transferred or carried lues positive RPGA is normally.

Yes, therefore it or her to the control of treatment of a lues also do not apply (as single) or apply in dynamics or changes.

The anonym
20.03.2006, 17:25
Hello! I 7 was treated from a lues back and after putting off or taking out from the account handed over a blood, nothing was! And here too have solved zaberemennet and to hand over all analyses! At me an antibody to .pallidum (vozb. A lues) m-0,489,
pr - 0,276! What does it mean? And whether it is possible beremennet with such result?