Просмотр полной версии : Where in Peter it is possible to hand over qualitatively analyses on IPPP???

30.01.2006, 11:47
Good afternoon.
Where in Peter it is possible to hand over qualitatively analyses on IPPP???

04.02.2006, 21:23
Appears so:
Well do or make analyses in out-patient department Otto (there the laboratory, from other places there carry analyses), there it is inexpensive,
In Pasteur often lozhnopolozhitedlnye results (on a clamidiosis in particular),
In Immunobioservise (in territory Otto) too it is good, but there sometimes lose analyses. Do or make half of analyses in the same laboratory at Otto.
In same territory Otto there is clinic Liberin - there too normally.

As : Immunobioservise take : painfully, all is sterile, the equipment good, new all. I there like to hand over (while my analyses did not lose:))))
In an out-patient department at Otto too it is quite good, but there the blood and a smear surrenders in one cabinet or study - for zanavesochkoj. It is not so good. A blood take that painfully is not present - what nurse will get. There the turn has more, than in Immunobioservise.
In Liberine disgusting nurses by birth - ecchymoses leave and painfully do or make. Plus of an armchair-diaper-conditions - all old and shabby, vyhyvaet sensation of a mud. Though a smear take normally - on smears of the nurse good. Cabinets or studies different. Turns small.
Immunobioservis 5
Out-patient department at Otto 5
Liberin 4 (3)