Просмотр полной версии : vospolenie in an inguen!

31.05.2005, 15:59
The doctor pomagite!
Here already it is more as the floor of year excruciates me such hvaroba, in an inguen that with one storany with another appear as zhyroviki small, even it is possible vydovit if them to touch or tamper with or shorts prizhymajut they grow, hurt, are then scratched.....
vopshchem frame many problems. At the doctor was, snachalo have told or said, that with shorts has simply rubred, that a pier it is not necessary stringi nasit, have then sent (!) on a lues it will be checked up, certainly it or him neobnaruzhili, have then told or said a fungus and have written out ointment, well I think have understood - will pass or take place!
Yes, far from it!
Again twenty five! But only not one, but one behind another it is more that less when heal a little, leave claret cicatrix or a hole, something there firm, but pus is not present, only few times could prokalot when was absolutely big, well we shall tell or say about plum, there was a lot of a pus, and chudoveshchno stinked! When vospolivshis look or appear closed, from above a skin very gentle and thin stretched, on a kind shines, when pass or take place, oblong cicatrixes, and from above there are white heads, kagda vydavish, there is something white, firm, as zhirovik. At present from both parties or sides in an inguen on some pieces, vospolivshis two little bit extended, bolt, from them the skin to descend or go became....., looks or appears awfully, I celebrate myself awkwardly, painfully, even to the husband to show it is a shame, but he pomoch wants, and I all on nerves! What is it???? What with IT or THIS delat??? To the doctor to go, ha, what again on sifelis have sent to be checked??? And in fact the summer is already fast how to undress???!!
pomagite pozhalusta!!!!
I porjadyshnaja the woman, and the husband to me am correct!
Help or Assist, pozhalusta!

02.06.2005, 17:37
Probably, it is a chronic relapsing furunculosis. For specification of the diagnosis you vsezhe should address on internal reception to the doctor to the dermatologist (you can address to experts of our center).
Treatment of the given disease - long enough process including immunomodulirujushchuju, antibacterial, vitamin, etc. therapies.
For specification of the diagnosis rekomunduju to you to be surveyed on Saccharum and hormones with the subsequent consultation at the doctor of the endocrinologist, also you should survey GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT (a gastrointestinal tract).
Unfortunately, in case of acknowledgement or confirmation of the diagnosis, you are expected also with long external treatment. But, to be treated costs or stands.

The doctor of the maximum or supreme category dermatovenerolog, urologist Zvarych Svetlana Lvovna.