Просмотр полной версии : Why do not answer my question

14.01.2005, 23:16
Whether hello I wish to set to you some questions to me have diagnosed uroginetalnyj a clamidiosis and mikoplazmos still to me have appointed or nominated such treatment tiberal on 1 tab 2 once a day and laktovit 3 times a day 3 days having rummaged then tavanik 500 1 tabl in day of 20 days laktovit 3 times a day tsikloferon 12.5 % 2 in day a course of 20 days and suppositories of 10 days gravagin and 10 days -7 will affect or influence such plenty of medicines (tembolee antibiotics) an organism in tselov as there are stones in zhelochnom a little the liver in kidneys sand is increased as that would not be desirable to treat one another to cripple and more as I can not will address to the doctor there are disturbances in shchitovidke and tsikloferon have cancelled without it or him treatment will pass or take place successfully? Thanks

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