Просмотр полной версии : Question to the doctor

25.12.2004, 07:42
Question to the doctor. Very long time ago (years 20 approximately) somewhere in a month after not absolutely casual sexual communication or connection have arisen an itch and insignificant allocation, to the doctor at once has not addressed, as by naivety could not and assume opportunity IPPP.Spustja some time has addressed to the urologist, have taken a smear-anything, the doctor has appointed or nominated Trichopolum, Tetracyclinum. In a year all has repeated, except for that I have learned or have found out that then there were all chances will catch a gonorrhea. The smear, provocation, 3 more smears has gone to the venereologist, there, and with the information or inquiry a banal urethritis have sent to the urologist. Further in current 10 approximately years all repeated still time 3 under the same script, treatment: tarivit, a doxycycline, Trichopolum when that I do not remember. Last what 10 or signs IPPP at me are not present years, but periodically arise unpleasant oshchushenija in the field of genitals: gravity, an itch; and more then there was a small edema which slowly increases or is enlarged. I am married 15 years, at the wife too periodically small problems: Erosions, an inflammation pridakov. Any infections did not find, but smears (crop, etc. did not do or make) were done or made of methods of research only. But recently I again have addressed to the urologist in occasion of an edema, after survey
The diagnosis - chronic a, method PTSR have found out a ureaplasma which have quickly and successfully cured. At the wife too, but in treatment have given up in connection with small osemenennostju. US has shown 100 ml vodjanochnoj liquids, other pathologies M.P.organov are not present. On gonorrhea PTSR did not do or make. About an edema to me the doctor has told or said - the nature not a silly woman and if strongly does not stir or prevent that nothing to pick once again . Tell or say, whether there can be all these problems svjazanny and that it is necessary to undertake. Thankful in advance, Andrey