Просмотр полной версии : Where an output or exit?

The sun
06.12.2004, 15:15
Dear, the Doctor! At us with the sexual partner trihomonaz. The situation becomes complicated that he is married, means its or his wife is infected also. To tell about change he does not want, and it is necessary to treat us a three. Tell or say, how it is passed trihomonaz not sexual by? And whether there are such tablets which will neutralize illness or disease in the shortest terms? And more: it is possible to be engaged in sex with a condom? Prompt, please, an output or exit from the created situation.

dr. Agapov
07.12.2004, 22:15
1. Trihomoniaz to concern to sexual infections, vnepolovoe infection is practically excluded, but is possible or probable - usually at close household contact from mother to the juvenile daughter
2. If the Trichomonas is sensitive to group of imidazoles (Metronidazolum, Tinidazolum, seknidazol, naksodzhin, tiberal) that treatment does not represent and borrows or occupies complexities from 3 till 10 days
3. The condom protects from trihomoniaza.